USERL's Mission​
The United States Equine Rescue League (USERL) is a non-profit organization dedicated to the compassionate care of equines. Our mission is to save, protect, and rehabilitate equines in need. We rescue abused, neglected, or abandoned equines; provide them with care and rehabilitation; and finally find them a compatible, loving home. We believe that education is the long-term solution to improving the lives of equines.​
USERL's Goals​
​To educate horse owners and the public about proper equine care, and the problems of neglect, abuse and slaughter.
To rescue equines from neglectful and abusive situations by educating owners, helping to place at risk equines and ultimately working within the bounds of the law to remove equines from their owner's care when deemed necessary.
To rehabilitate sick, injured and underweight equines and restore them to a state of health
To end the suffering of those equines which cannot be rehabilitated by humane euthanasia
To find all equines that come under the care of USERL a compatible, loving home.

USERL Programs:
A. Rescue and Rehabilitation
USERL relies on foster homes to care for and rehabilitate equines that come into our program through either owner surrender or
seized by law enforcement. USERL works closely with our veterinarians to ensure that the horses in our program receive the care they need, and we follow a proven re-feeding program to help each equine achieve optimum health. Once the equine is ready, they are put up for adoption.
B. Horse Owners
With the help of law enforcement, USERL assess the health of any horses, donkeys or mules and educates the owners on basic, proper horse care. Currently, USERL has a 90% success rate in educating the horse owner so that they can continue ownership of the horses responsibly.
C. General Public
USERL speaks at horse association meetings, 4H groups, etc. to spread awareness of the plight of the neglected/abused horse. In addition, USERL staffs display booths at large and small equine events to educate attendees at horse shows, seminars and other events.